our history

An organization that represents registered medical Practitioners in Hong KongFounded in 1920, the Hong Kong Medical Association aims to bring together Hong Kong’s government, institutional, university and private medical practitioners for an effective exchange of views and co-ordination of efforts. The foremost objective of the Association is to safeguard and promote public health. The Association speaks collectively for its members and aims to keep its members abreast of medical ethics, issues and advances around the world. In fulfilling these goals, the Association hopes to better serve the people of Hong Kong. Today, the Association has more than 80 representatives in various Government and non-governmental boards and councils related to health matters. There are around 7,000 full members and more than 700 student and newly qualified members. (For more information see www.hkma.org.)
Caring for the Poor, the Sick and the Under-privileged
Since 1990, the Hong Kong Medical Association has been raising funds for various charitable organizations through public performance of its Orchestra and Choir. Please refer to the “We’ve helped” section of this website.
The unreserved support of its membership and friends of the medical profession has endeavored to alleviate the sufferings of the sick, the poor and the underprivileged.
Seeking Community Partners
For the Hong Kong Medical Association to work more closely with its supporters in community and charity projects, the formation of The Hong Kong Medical Association Charitable Foundation helps consolidate and manage all efforts with a view to better recognition of the contribution of our supporters. The Foundation is made up of individual and corporate donors and benefactors who both wish and are able to provide or obtain financial support for the charity activities of the Association.

Mission, and Objectives...
To consolidate and strengthen our efforts in various charity activities including the HKMA China Relief Fund, the HKMA Choir Fund, the HKMA Orchestra Fund, the HKMA Organ Donation Register Fund, the HKMA Public Medical Education Fund and the HKMA Sports Fund.
- To promote, coordinate, and organize activities of medical and allied health practitioners for the promotion of the advancement of medical and allied health science, and the advancement of education in the field of medical and allied health science;
- To publish and circulate such publications, newspapers, periodicals, books or leaflets as conducive to the advancement of these objectives;
- To raise money by all lawful means for the purpose of the establishment, promotion and maintenance of all educational and charitable activities of the Hong Kong Medical Association;
- To apply, administer and manage the money so raised for the establishment, promotion and maintenance of the respective education and charitable activities of the Hong Kong Medical Association;

Please join us. Your donation will make a difference. Together we can help people in need and brighten smiles.
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Contact Us
- 5/F., Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
- +852 2527 8285
- +852 2865 0943
- hkmacf@hkmacf.org